The Impact

From no beds in 1989 to now being able to provide beds for over 200 youth each night across the state speaks highly of our efforts to help youth facing homelessness.  We are now serving more than 1,800 young individuals each year through our core programs and services.

One of our more recent initiatives, CHART – Covenant House Action Research Tank, has been central in our agency data gathering and analysis efforts to serve more youth and increase the quality of our care.

What We're Facing

We cannot ignore the prevailing state of our community, as the demand for our services continues to escalate, despite our unwavering efforts to combat youth homelessness. Most nights, our beds are filled with a waiting list to access beds as they become available – a poignant reminder that our work is far from done.

How We Help

In FY24, our reach expanded to serve 1,811 young people across our core programs and services vs. 1,488 in the prior fiscal year. Those services translated to 79,275 nights (FY 23: 74,161) of housing provided to our youth. On average, 216 youth slept in a Covenant House NJ bed each night vs. 203 in the prior fiscal year. We also provided services to 227 clients in the Human Trafficking Victim Services program mostly through working with government and law enforcement agencies.

We continue to be the designated lead agency in the State of NJ to serve these victims. Our complete FY24 Impact Report can be found here.

nights of housing provided
of youth engaged in resilience-building activities
youth sleep in a CHNJ bed each night, on average
✌🏿 Hello!!!

Get to Know Our Youth

Read the stories from young people who, with the right support were able to start the next chapter in their lives.


“I am very excited to be attending CMSV. I hope to major in nursing so I can pursue my goal of becoming an RN. This opportunity is a dream come true. I'm so grateful for CHNJ for all their support and guidance. May God continue to bless the staff and volunteers who are working daily to assist youths like myself. Thanks to them, my journey has taken an unexpected twist for the better.”

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“What could not be foreseen was that walking through those doors, would change my life forever.”

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“Covenant House NJ believed in me when I didn’t believe in me, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.””

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