The journeys of youth facing homelessness are many and varied but Bendalie continues to shine in her journey beyond Covenant House New Jersey (CHNJ). We’re so pleased to share that Bendalie graduated with her Bachelor of Science from the University of Mount Saint Vincent in May.
Like all youth who seek our help, the care and support we provided to Bendalie was customized to recognize her abilities, needs and aspirations when she joined us in 2022. She came to CHNJ from Florida with her Associate’s Degree in Nursing and a 3.8 GPA. Recognizing her academic excellence and her goal to become a nurse, we helped her gain acceptance to the University of Mount Saint Vincent.

Her College Years
Initially, it was a challenging transition going from Covenant House to college. At CHNJ she knew and felt connected to the staff and many of the young people with whom she lived. However, like others going to college, she had to transition to a new living environment where she knew no one. Determined to navigate this new experience and connect to her Saint Vincent community, she attended clubs, took yoga, and joined others to learn how to use the train for trips into Manhattan – “All the tall buildings and lights! Like you see in the movies!”
During her college years, Bendalie returned to her “roots” at CHNJ for the summer, as many college students do with their families. By working in Atlantic City for the summer, she could see familiar faces and her AC community here.
It’s been two and a half years since Bendalie first came to CHNJ. She has now graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree and is a Registered Nurse. Bendalie is a true star and a huge success story. She is one shining example of the 59% of our youth who have moved to a positive living environment after leaving CHNJ (Fiscal Year 2023 Impact Report).
“I was so happy to graduate. The years of crying at 2 AM while I studied finally paid off, and I didn’t give up. I exceeded my expectations and I was proud of myself. I’m really grateful for Covenant House who helped me succeed. From the admission’s application, to the long drive to school for my first semester, Covenant House supported me through every step of the way. They taught me how to be independent, and I learned so much from that experience. Growing up with strict, “do not ask questions” parents, it was the first time I was allowed to navigate on my own and make my life decisions. My stay at Covenant House was delightful and I’m grateful for all the opportunities that were provided to me there that culminated in my graduation.”

We hope you are as proud of Bendalie’s accomplishments as we are. We are also excited that you helped provide support in her transformation into a successful, resilient young adult. Congratulations Bendalie and may you always continue to shine.