Elijah’s success story starts with his arrival at Covenant House New Jersey (CHNJ) in January 2022. Elijah didn’t think he would stay for more than a week because he felt he had more viable options beyond CHNJ. But he found that we had much to offer. Soon he became involved in many of the activities and workshops that we had to offer at the Dove Learning Center including meditation groups, financial literacy classes, etc. But it wasn’t only our “programs” that changed his young life – it was many of the wonderful staff at CHNJ. Here’s what Elijah had to say about his journey at CHNJ and thereafter.

The Q&A
Question: Why did you come to CHNJ?
Answer: I originally came to the Covenant House essentially just to support my partner at the time. We were going through a similar situation, but I was under the impression that I had better options outside of Covenant House. I was only planning on staying at Covenant House for about a week or so.
Question: You didn’t expect to stay long at CHNJ. How long were you at the Youth Engagement Center (YEC) and what changed your mind to stay longer than expected?
Answer: I ended up staying at the YEC for a little over four months. Once I saw all of the extracurricular activities that were offered at Covenant House along with the opportunities for work and education, I figured that it wouldn’t be such a bad place to stay at for a while.
Question: As you found out, we are so much more than “just” food and shelter. Which of our supportive services had the greatest impact on you?
Answer: The Dove Learning Center (DLC) was a place I frequently went to either to complete my work, job search, or just simply relax and get away from whatever was going on outside. Additionally, activities like career building courses, music learning sessions and group therapy with other youth there at the YEC were great distractions and encouragements for me. They were great ways for me to stay productive and keep my mind off things.

Question: While our programs were helpful, it seems like the relationships you formed at CHNJ were the most impactful to you. Is there anyone in particular who really impacted your development?
Answer: Yes in fact, I could confidently say Ms. Edego has the biggest impact on my development during my time there. She was the first person I met when I first got to Covenant House back in 2022 and we’ve been super close ever since. She was someone I could easily confide in when I was feeling emotional or unmotivated due to her nurturing demeanor. Even now, with me being almost 3 years removed from the Covenant House, we still have a great relationship. I love coming back to visit her when I’m in the area. And by the way, that’s no knock to the other wonderful staff members at Covenant House that I encountered during my time there, Ms. Edego just made the greatest impact on me.

Question: After a few months you were able to transition from our Youth Engagement Center (dormitory style living) to our Rights of Passage Program where we provide apartment style supportive living. How did that go? Did you feel supported in the new environment?
Answer: The transition to ROP was quite smooth. I instantly felt this wave of relief now that I had my own space and didn’t have to feel as on edge as I sometimes felt while at Covenant House. I was met with a starter kit of toiletries and housekeeping essentials that made the transition even smoother.
Question: Are you still at the Rights of Passage Program (ROP)?
Answer: I am no longer at ROP. After about 20 months at ROP I graduated from Union County Community College in Cranford, New Jersey and as a result, Covenant House helped me further my education at the University of Mount Saint Vincent in the Bronx, New York on essentially a full-scholarship.
Question: How’s University of Mount Saint Vincent going and what do you hope to do once you graduate?
Answer: College life is going great. I never really saw myself going to college or living in a dorm and doing all the typical “young adult-college stuff” coming out of high school, so it’s kind of a surreal experience for me. I’m currently working on my bachelors in Sociology with a minor in Psychology. Over this past summer, I was chosen to be a peer leader for the High Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) at the University where we basically helped incoming Freshman adapt to the college lifestyle and assist them with schoolwork and stuff. It was a really fun and insightful experience. I anticipate graduating in 2026 and I plan to continue doing similar work to work with teenagers/young adults, whether it’s in a school setting or becoming a therapist/psychiatrist.
Question: You faced homelessness as a young adult. What did you learn through the experience and what advice would you give a youth facing similar circumstances today?
Answer: I learned a lot during my time at the YEC and ROP. I saw how fast life can come at you and how quickly things can change. However, I also learned if you push hard enough and don’t give up, the smoke will eventually clear, and things will get better. Additionally, during my time Covenant House I felt for the first time how many people will be willing to genuinely support you during dark times if you put yourself out there and show that you’re willing to work for it. For any youth out there, who may be currently facing homelessness, just know it’s okay to ask for help. It may be hard to trust outsiders, especially after all you may have been through, but Covenant House is a special place and so are the workers there. They are people who care and are willing to make changes in the world. Don’t give up and believe in yourself, and like I said earlier, things will get better.
Elijah’s success story is not unique. Thanks to the support of the broader CHNJ community, we impacted 1,811 young lives like Elijah’s in FY24, which was a 22% increase vs. FY23. Please consider supporting our work today with a donation and making a lasting impact on youth like Elijah.