On November 18, 2021, corporate executives across the state will be coming together for the 11th year in a row and spending the night sleeping outside the comfort of their homes to raise awareness and funds for New Jersey youth experiencing homelessness and human trafficking survivors. Corporate sponsorships towards this event are a crucial part of the fundraising, and Amazon has stepped up as a Covenant House New Jersey (CHNJ) Sponsor to meet this challenge.

Corporate donations like the Amazon sponsorship help provide the funds necessary to keep CHNJ residences across the state open 24/7, 365 days a year, plus provide the supportive services needed to help the youth move from crisis to independent living. “All of our kids deserve the chance to have someone in their lives who believes in them, guides them, and supports them. Sadly, that is not the case for many of our young people until they arrive at our doors. But thanks to our staff and partners like Amazon, the youth are met with absolute respect and unconditional love. They finally know that someone does care,” says Jim White, Executive Director of Covenant House New Jersey.
Amazon’s donation highlights the commitment Amazon has made in making deep impacts in the local communities where their employees live and work, which is central to their External Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. “Covenant House New Jersey is a refuge for some of our most vulnerable young people, ensuring they have a safe place for shelter and support,” said Colin Newman, Amazon’s Director of Public Policy in New Jersey. “The annual Sleep Out raises resources and awareness and we’re hopeful our support will make this year’s event even more impactful.”
For more information about the Covenant House New Jersey Sleep Out click here.