We are proud that we are serving more youth facing homelessness than ever, but our waiting lists remain long with roughly 150 youth still looking for a bed at CHNJ. We need your help. As we serve more youth, our community of support continues to rise to the challenge and spans all ages. That support happens in many ways – onsite volunteers, attendees at our events and corporate service day visits.
But perhaps the most impactful and memorable support for both CHNJ and the participants alike comes from our Sleep Outs. Sleep Out is a transformative overnight experience where our youth, partners, volunteers, and staff all come together in solidarity, either virtually or in-person. The night includes a series of impactful programs and workshops, then everyone sleeps outside overnight.

Whether you are 82-year-old Barry Ervin (watch Barry here) or a student around the state, there is a Sleep Out for you. But we’re particularly pleased to see the commitment of so many students from so many schools across the state to supporting our work. Last fiscal year, over 1,400 students slept out at 17 schools, collectively raising over $500,000.
The history of Student Sleep Out began over ten years ago when schools like Saint Joseph Regional High School, Newark Academy & Saint Joseph High School of Metuchen were seeking an opportunity to connect its students to the mission of CHNJ.

Among other long time supporters within the student community is Delbarton School. Matthew White, Director of Mission and Ministry, has been a central figure in that continuing support each year for the past decade. Matthew and his wife Sarah are both separately involved on different CHNJ program boards and his grandfather helped start our Spring Lake Golf Outing 46 years ago.
And the White Family isn’t the only Delbarton Family connected to our mission. Julie Hassan sits on our Newark Program Board and has been a long-time participant in our Sleep Out (Re)insurance Edition. Her son, Aidan, and now her son Gavin have led Delbarton Sleep Outs. Gavin currently sits on our Junior Student Board. This board of student leaders encourages high school students to stay connected to our work throughout the year. Each of our 50 students came recommended, interviewed & committed to helping spread the word of our work and mission.
And in South Jersey, through the involvement of Kerry Patterson with our Rights of Passage program in Asbury Park, her three sons have become participants in our Student Sleep Outs. Ben from Christian Brothers Academy participated virtually to stay connected to mission during the pandemic. John who currently attends Saint Rose High School and will be leading the Sleep Out there for a second year, and William attends Christian Brothers Academy and will be leading a team in its second year at Sleep Out: Asbury Park Community Edition. Both John and William sit on our Junior Student Board.
William had this to say about Covenant House New Jersey, “I have been fortunate to have loving parents, food, clothes, education and a family home passed through generations to my family. Having a bed and a place to lay my head at night in a safe place is a gift. As I learned about Covenant House through my older brothers, I wanted to help. I hope and dream for every young child or teenager to have a place to feel safe and loved. Anything I can do to help, even one teenager my age is meaningful.”
Kirsten Corley, Student Initiatives Officer at Covenant House New Jersey shared this, “When you make giving as a family a priority and value showing your kids at a young age the importance of doing for others and caring, they emulate it. The result of that has been so many students across the state raising their hand and wanting to make a difference in their communities and within their schools. And they have. The funds our students are raising are helping to keep the doors open for young people not too much older than them. It’s a beautiful thing to see and witness.”

If you have an interest in learning more about Student Sleep Outs and getting involved, please reach out to KCorley@covenanthouse.org. You can also learn more through this 2024 video on why students are sleeping out.