Thanks to all of you who helped make this year’s Newark Executive Sleep Out our most successful Sleep Out ever! We raised the most money (almost $750,000) with the largest number of registered sleepers for a Covenant House New Jersey Sleep Out. All of this in the midst of one of New Jersey’s worst snowfall commutes ever! Some of our sleepers spent more than 4 hours getting to our Newark site due to snow, sleet and freezing rain. Understandably, roughly 1/2 of the 148 sleepers were unable to make it to the site, but amazingly those that did, braved the elements and ALL slept outside despite our offer to sleep in our gym that night. We also received incredible stories of those who slept out at home, including our top fundraiser Jim O’Brien who raised $43,000 for our precious young people.
Our top three teams raised $240,000 with Team Rights of Passage at $117,000, Team Samsung at $63,000, and Nighthawks for the Cov at $60,000. Several other teams were right beyond them. Eighteen sleepers each raised more than $10K to join either our $25K, $15K or $10K Clubs.
Every dollar we raise helps, so if you would like to help us rescue more homeless youth, please consider becoming a member of our Covenant Circle by giving monthly. Click below to become a Covenant Circle member.