August 16, 2022

Bendalie is Back for the Summer and Stronger

Earlier this year, Atlantic City Rights of Passage resident, Bendalie, began her first semester at the College of Mount Saint Vincent. She took 5 classes towards the completion of her nursing degree with a minor in business AND received straight A’s! And now, she’s back for the summer.

Initially, it was a challenging transition going from Covenant House to college. At CHNJ she knew and felt connected to the staff and many of the young people with whom she lived, but like others going to college had to transition to a new living environment where she knew no one. Determined to navigate this new experience and to become connected to her Saint Vincent community, she attended clubs, took yoga, and joined others to learn how to use the train for trips into Manhattan – “All the tall buildings and lights! Like you see in the movies!”

Bendalie is now back “home” at Covenant House for the summer, as many college students are. She opted to return to Atlantic City to work for the summer so she could see familiar faces and her AC community here.

“I am very excited to be attending CMSV. I hope to major in nursing so I can pursue my goal of becoming an RN. This opportunity is a dream come true. I’m so grateful for CHNJ for all their support and guidance. May God continue to bless the staff and volunteers who are working daily to assist youths like myself. Thanks to them, my journey has taken an unexpected twist for the better.”

We hope you are as proud of Bendalie’s accomplishments as we are and are excited to provide the support in her transformation into a successful, resilient young adult.